Top 5 Questions about pre marriage investigation


Top 5 Questions about pre marriage investigation will describe everything about pre matrimonial investigation questions. If you are getting married recently, you must need the most to ask your partner. Don’t forget to read complete article.

Questions about Pre marriage Investigation

Q.  Why pre marriage investigation of prospective boy/girl is necessary?

Ans.  Pre Marriage Investigation: In the bygone days , marriage alliances were often made through relatives, friends or known people.

Therefore there was absolute transparency regarding the antecedents of the family and subject in question. In todays hi tech world the onus of match fixing has shifted to social media, marriage bureaus and advertisements.

The details of family and boy/girl are posted on the social media and we blindly accept them to be true.

Often having a desire to find the best of partner, exaggerated, misleading and sometimes false information of the family and prospective boy/girl is projected.

The marriage thus solemnized has a false foundation. This leads to acrimonious relations and environment after marriage.

In order to avoid the above unpleasant situation, it is advice able, rather essential, to have pre marriage investigation to verify all facts.

Q. What are the charges and packages for pre matrimonial investigations in India?

We are a private detective agency in Delhi NCR, our charges are competitive to other detective agencies. We charges for pre matrimonial investigation in India from INR 17,000 to 40,000 and depends on the distance from Delhi.

Q. How long do you take to complete pre matrimonial investigations?

Mostly we do our best to deliver your pre matrimonial investigation on time, means 7 to 10 days but in the some cases, we could take more time to handle the situation and deepest intelligence. Our aim is to provide valuable information that could save yours or your love once future.

Q. Can you give us some references of clients, for whom you have conducted pre matrimonial enquiries earlier?

No, It is against the authenticity of privacy act. We do not disclose any case details or content. It is totally confidential matter and can only be retrieved by registered client for the case.

Q.1  Why investigation by a detective agency?

Ans.  Marriage is a very sensitive matter. In case the investigation is done by a non professional there are good chances that it may be compromised. This leaves a bad taste even before the marriage has taken place.

Therefore lit is essential to have the marriage investigation done through a professional.

Q.2 Can critical parameters like character, habits and temperament, relationships, abuse of drugs etc. be revealed in the investigation?

Ans. During the course of investigation, subject is put under surveillance for a couple of days. All the activities of the subject are recorded and we are easily able to deduce the character, habits, temperament etc. of the subject.

Qu.3 Is the pre marriage investigation legal?

Ans. Marriage investigation is all about a relationship of joy or tears. It is absolutely necessary to have the facts verified before marriage rather regretting later on. It is legal to have the facts verified related to the marriage.

Qu.4 Is your fees affordable? What are the charges for this investigation?

Ans. We at AB Detectives, understand the duress and necessity of the investigation with compassion.

We therefore never overcharge. Our fees is absolutely affordable keeping the constraints of client in mind. We assure our fees will be competitive and affordable.

Q. When should I really hire a detective agency?

Answer- If you want to get information before marriage, don’t delay to investigate your partner. just login to site and type in google search box “Best Detectives” do not enter your specific location, just type best detective.

leave the results, which are come first rows that content AD sign in the corner left side because these signs indicate the advertisement which are paid and will be useless for you. after the just advertisement raw you find best detective agencies related keywords that are genuinely ranked website. You can use any of the links.

Q. Will the investigation remain confidential?

We are an AB Detectives, is running for more than two an a half decades with 99.99% result. There are 1000s personal and corporate of happy clients. If we talk about the confidentiality, we are doing are best in the industry and not tolerate with privacy act. We are fully bound with the clients agreement and never been disclosed your personal or private information to third party unless you committed a crime against the Indian national security.

Q. What information will be required for the case?

You will have to share the information about what do you want to investigate from us like;

If you want to investigate a case of pre matrimonial then you will have to share the information about Boy/ girl with the following details;

1- Name of the Girl/ Boys
2- Resident address (Current)
3- Parental address (If not residing with the parents)
4- Professional details, like Name Company, Address.
5- A recent photograph of the subject
6- Any specific requirement (If any)

What is the average time taken to solve a case?

It would be totally depend on the case to case.
Generally, we take time for 7 to 10 days for pre marriage verification, in the post matrimonial investigation, it could be 10 to 15 days or more.


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